Call or email me to set up your in person meeting.
Co-create your unique healing plan in a safe and confidential space.
Attend sessions with me. Share, be accompanied and guided to unlock your natural healing abilities. Use them all to learn, grow, heal.
Experience your own transformance. Feel better. Feel more vitality, contentment, connectedness, authenticity, relief, hope, and wholeness.
I help people unlock and use their own natural healing abilities to transform emotional, psychological, and relational wounds into aliveness, wholeness, and confidence. Avoid ongoing loneliness, isolation, confusion, doubt, fear, and emptiness. I can help guide you through the steps and processes to start living more authentically, having a deeper connection to yourself and others, living with meaning and purpose according to your values and dreams.
want to help bring relief and healing that sticks. What I know about this is that we have to pay attention to our emotions and our body. Feeling better in substantial ways involves resolving emotional memories that often keep us linked to the past. Feeling better also involves getting more comfortable with some positive emotional experiences, like when we feel cared for, connected, safe, vital , strong, whole and complete, and aware of our own truth. I work to help heal and understand the core causes of suffering and distress rather than merely manage the symptoms.
My approach is highly attuned to you, the way you experience the world, and your goals for change, healing, and growth.
​I identify as a Highly Sensitive Person.
I am a Certified Canadian Counsellor with the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association and a professional member in good standing (Membership No. 10000691). I am also a Registered Clinical Counsellor with the British Columbia Association of Clinical Counsellors (Membership No. 18009) My Masters of Counselling Degree is from the University of Calgary. My Bachelor of General Studies (with distinction) is from Simon Fraser University. I practice clinical counselling/psychotherapy and love.
I am a registered provider with ICBC, CVAP (Crime Victim Assistance Program) and any insurance company that provides coverage for a RCC or CCC.